Hello Jean-Luc,

We are not very familiar with Tamil but discrepancies like this are usually caused by the use of different fonts for rendering in the Text and Author pages.

In the Oxygen Preferences->"Appearance / Fonts" page there is a font for "Editor" - for the Text editing mode and a default font for the Author visual editing page. They are different so this might be the cause, your friend could try to set the "Editor" font to the same font used for Author for example or to try different other fonts as well, maybe she will find a better font to render Tamil on Mac.



Radu Coravu
Oxygen XML Editor

On 4/3/21 18:15, Jean-Luc Chevillard wrote:
Followup to my previous message (included below)

It occurs to me that my question might be clarified if I posted a direct comparison between the what is seen on (my) Window screen when oXygen is in text mode and what is seen on the screen of that friend who runs oxygen on a Mac.

What baffles me is the difference of treatment between the "M" element (line 13), where TamilRendering is fine, & the "l" element (line 15 to 18), where proper rendering fails.

An extract of the file itself is as follows.

Thanks for your future help

-- Jean-Luc



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book SYSTEM "cIkALatti_1a.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="cIkALatti_1b.css"?>
    <title>Cīkāḷattippurāṇam, Nakkīraccarukkam [beginning]</title>

    <information> sources: Cīkāḷatti Purāṇam, Karuṇaippirakāca Cuvamikaḷ, Civappirakāca Cuvamikaḷ,         Vēlaiyacuvāmikaḷ ākiya mūvarum ceytaruḷiya, irāmānantayōkikaḷ eḻutiya uraiyuṭaṉ. Ed. by Pu.         Caṇmuka Mutaliyār, Mataṟās Ṭaimaṇṭu Accukkūṭam, Ceṉṉai 1916, pp. 349-414. </information>

            <l>அமுதுறழ் தமிழொண் முத்த மையசந் தனமெல் வாசங்</l>
            <l>கமழ்குளிர் தென்ற லென்று கரையரும் பொருள்ப டாம</l>
            <l>லிமிழ்கடல் வரைப்பெ லாந்தோன் றெண்பொருள் படுநா டெள்ளித்</l>
            <l>தமிழ்முதல் பிறக்கு நாடாய்த் தயங்குமாற் பாண்டி நாடு.</l>

            <line>amut* uṟaḻ tamiḻ oḷ muttam aiya cantaṉam mel vācam</line>             <line>kamaḻ kuḷir teṉṟal eṉṟu karai ~arum poruḷ paṭāmal</line>             <line>imiḻ kaṭal varaipp* elām tōṉṟ* eḷ poruḷ paṭu nāṭ* eḷḷi+</line>             <line>tamiḻ mutal piṟakkum nāṭ* āy+ tayaṅkum-āl pāṇṭi nāṭu.</line>

        <translation>Putting to shame lands where easy objects occurs, appearing all within the             boundaries of the roaring sea, without that there would occur rare objects called             nectar-like Tamil, bright pearls, the soft fragrance of wonderful sandal, the fragrant             cool south wind, the Pāṇṭiya land shines indeed as the land that horts [goods] beginning
            with Tamil. </translation>

        <M>மேற்படி வேறு</M>
            <l>தன்கால் சுமக்கு முறுப்பிலான் றன்னே வலரா னிலைகலங்கிப்</l>
            <l>பொன்கா றிதலை முலைமடவார்ப் பொருத்து துணையா மாநிலத்து</l>
            <l>வன்கா றரியா துழல்வாரைத் தலையாற் சுமக்கு மலையைநகு</l>
            <l>மின்கார் மழைத்தோய் முடிமலய விலங்க லுடைத்தத் திருநாடு.</l>

            <line>taṉ kāl cumakkum uṟupp* ilāṉ taṉ +ē ~alarāl nilai kalaṅki+</line>             <line>poṉ kāl titalai mulai maṭavār+ poruttu tuṇai ~ā mā nilattu</line>             <line>val kāl tariyāt* uḻalvārai+ talaiyāṉ cumakkum malaiyai nakum</line>             <line>miṉ kār maḻai+ tōy muṭi malaya vilaṅkal uṭaitt* a+ tiru nāṭu.</line>

        <translation>The auspicious land possesses mount Malayam whose crown is touched by flashing             rain clouds, that smiles at the mountain which bears on [its] head the one who moves             about without standing still on [his] strong feet on the vast ground, being a helpmate             for uniting with the women with breasts with gold-spreading beauty spots, being stirred             up from [his] position by the flower arrows of the formless one who bears [the bow] on
            his foot. </translation>







I have recently shared some XML files with a friend who has just bought and installed oXygen on a Macintosh. She has sent me some print screens. There is a strange rendering of some Tamil vowels when in TextMode, but AuthorMode is fine. I am puzzled. I have not seen that behaviour in oXygen under Windows.

Do you have suggestions?

Thanks for your help

-- Jean-Luc


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