Hi Frank,

About this specific request:

So I thought maybe I could perhaps quickly toggle the "Print-ready" style on and off to see the tags and better find the correct cursor position. Can I create a keyboard shortcut for doing this?

We do not yet have a means to set a certain keyboard shortcut for applying a CSS layer, we have an internal issue for this, I added your contact details to it and I'm pasting the issue ID below for future reference:

    EXM-22482 Assign hot keys for the alternate styles (CSS API)

There are other ways in which someone could for example create a custom Author action which sets a certain pseudo class on an element and then the CSS selectors can use that pseudo class to enable or disable certain properties. For example with the "custom.css" file I'm attaching I added a button directly in the Author visual editor and when the button is clicked, a certain CSS pseudo class is set on the root element and the tags are shown or hidden based on it.



Radu Coravu
Oxygen XML Editor

On 1/3/23 19:36, Frank Dissinger wrote:

Hi all,

This is my first posting to this list.

I am in the process of switching from FrameMaker V11 + DITA-FMx to oXygen V25 as my DITA editing tool. I have been using oXyen for quite a while as a transformation engine, but not as an editor. So in this respect I am still at the bottom of the learning curve.

I'd like to set up the Author mode in a way which comes close to what I was used in FrameMaker. I mainly worked in WYSIWYG view and with the Structure View, Elements and Attributes windows.

I have spent some effort on making oXygen's "Print-ready" view for the Editor window (in Author mode) look as WYSIWYG-ish as possible, with custom CSS styles that give me visual clues to the underlying XML structure. I then thought that I could use oXygen's Outline view in a similar way as FM's Structure View, but I feel quite lost in this window.

  * It does not allow me to position the cursor between the elements
  * It shows only a single attribute, not all attributes that are set
  * It shows only the attribute value, not the name
  * ...

I therefore find it hard to see the XML structure in the Outline view and to place the cursor precisely when I want to insert new elements.

So I thought maybe I could perhaps quickly toggle the "Print-ready" style on and off to see the tags and better find the correct cursor position. Can I create a keyboard shortcut for doing this?

Thank you.




*Frank Dissinger*

Documentation Manager


*CGS Publishing Technologies International GmbH*

*Email *frank.dissin...@cgs-oris.com | *Web* www.cgs-oris.com <http://www.cgs-oris.com/>

*Address* Kettelerstr. 24 | D-63512 Hainburg | Germany

*Phone* +49 6182 9626-27 | *Fax* +49 6182 9626-99

*Commercial register* Offenbach, HRB no. 21495

*Managing directors* Bernd Rückert, Christoph Thommessen

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    content: oxy_button(action, oxy_action(
          name, 'Toggle Full Tags', 
          description, 'Toggle Full Tags', 
          operation, 'ro.sync.ecss.extensions.commons.operations.TogglePseudoClassOperation', 
          arg-elementLocation, '.',
          arg-name, 'no-tags'

:root:no-tags, :root:no-tags * {
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