I'm glad you qualified which version of VS2010 is "stable", because your claim 
sure doesn't apply to VS2010 Express, which I could get to crash pretty easily 
when I tried it out on a simple app. Haven't tried VS2010Pro but I'll stick to 
my VS2008Pro for a little while yet, thanks :)


-----Original Message-----
From: "Grant Maw" [grant....@gmail.com]
Date: 05/06/2010 06:51 AM
To: "ozDotNet" <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
Subject: Re: Cheapest way to get VS2010 Professional?

"What is the *single* most exciting thing about it?"
For me, its the stability. Ive been using it since it came out and Ive not yet 
been able to make it crash. Previous versions would crash several times per day 
for me. 
Apart from that, the database tools are a big improvement over previous 
This is, seriously, the BEST edition of VS that I have ever used. Lots of 
little things all add up to make a great dev experience. Previous versions were 
all like "death by a thousand cuts" because of all the little annoyances. Most 
of these have been removed.
If you are able to, upgrade today. Youll thank yourself for it. If you can add 
Resharper 5, even better.

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