I am using LinqToSql on a project, and Ria services to expose it as an
I want to send my Product table along with its child tables (e.g.
ProductStatus, ProductCategory)

To do this I am using the standard

public IQueryable<Product> ProductSelect()
    DataLoadOptions loadOpts = new DataLoadOptions();
    loadOpts.LoadWith<Product>(p => p.ProductStatus);
    loadOpts.LoadWith<Product>(p => p.ProductCategory);
    this.DataContext.LoadOptions = loadOpts;
    return this.DataContext.Products;

Unfortunately this is creating inner joins, not left joins. There isn't
referential integrity on the tables (I can't add it in). This means if the
there isn't a matching record in the child table, then the product will not
be selected.
Does anyone know how to change this to be a left join?

-David Burela

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