>I have one universal answer that always seems to fit problems like

>these: "magic" :)


Magic can be used for both good and evil.


The problem has become worse in the last hour. I thought adding the
System.Data.Entity reference and refreshing everything would fix all machine
builds, but no. Windiff shows how the generated DataSets on different
machines differ. The good ones have these generic lines:


public partial class tblFooDataTable :
global::System.Data.TypedTableBase<tblFooRow> {


The evil ones have old style collections:


public partial class tblFooDataTable : global::System.Data.DataTable,
global::System.Collections.IEnumerable {


On my primary dev machine I'm getting all good generic lines. On my parallel
machine I get only evil lines. I've deleted outputs, use xsd.exe from the
command line, run total rebuilds dozens of times. Nothing on earth so far
will generate generic xsd output on the other machine.


I've now spent 4 hours on this problem, and my timesheet has a lot of
whitespace on it.



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