I've replicated your problem with a simple VB6 class.
I'm not sure of the actual cause but your fix is:
    id = client.SendRequest((request))

Mark, pardon my French, but holy shit! That works. Putting (()) around the
object argument sends it and gives me a string reply, which previously gave
me the runtime error.

I'd been searching for hours and never found any such syntax or clues
anywhere. Where did you get that trick?

Now I'm passed that hurdle I've reached the next one ... I'm getting "Unable
to find assembly xxxx", which I know is a lie. In this case I'm passing a
string as an argument and getting back the same object that I'm passing in
my previous problem. So now I can send it, but not get it back. Some sites
hint at missing serializable attributes or incorrect COM attributes on the
interface or classes, but that doesn't seem likely so far. Oh well, I'll
keep slogging away and let you know if I find the answer.


Thanks heaps,

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