On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 3:49 PM, Ian Thomas <il.tho...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> meski – the Notepad was cited as an example, I think. If you follow the
> StackOverflow discussion, one person just would not back down on the general
> statement that it is necessary for the called application to accept / not
> update its title text. The other person pointed this out, and gave the
> example of CMD.EXE that can accept and retain the WM_SETTXT.
> I need to either compile a new version of the application I am using (with
> the free MinGW or the not-free WinGDB), or convince the OS folks that
> release the Windows version (it’s for Linuxes, Mac, “etc” and comes out of
> the *ix fraternity) to do so, for everyone’s benefit.
> More sophisticated code injection is feasible – but I want a simple, quick
> (and not dirty) remedy.
> Perhaps you know (from your C experience) why Microsoft won’t support the
> particular C99 extensions that prevent me from porting / converting this to
> something .NET (in-process DLL, for example)?

You're wanting to recompile a version of cmd.exe, or want MS to?


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