Back to coding ... I diagnosed an app crash today caused by an argument to
string.Format having curly braces inside it. I was doing something like
string.Format("Report title: {0}", title) where title was the string
"{Intention}" and I'm told this is a perfectly acceptable title.


We all know that you have to escape braces by doubling them in the
arguments, but at what point in an app do you guard against this crash?
Today it was way up in the UI, several months ago I had the same crash way
down in a server logging method. The moderate sized app I'm working on today
has 366 string.Format calls scattered all through it at different levels,
some in a Silverlight app and some on the server side. How on earth do you
globally guard all these calls without making a coding mess? I haven't found
an obvious elegant solution yet. Has anyone else considered this problem?


Sure I could wrap string.Format calls in an another function or create a
string extension method that doubles braces in the arguments, but it seems



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