On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Michael Minutillo
<michael.minuti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, if the template size isn't going change and this is the only app
> running on the machine then so be it. Chances are good that neither of those
> things is true. I'd still err on the side of having a single line memory at
> a time because it's not like the optimization is making it any harder to
> read or understand.

Yup template file will mostly likely not change and app will always
run locally as an exe. This sort of optimisation you suggested seems
good enough to use as it is fairly simple.

...But I was kinda questioning the design of doing things this way at
all. It seems like what I want is a dynamic "page" (like a webform)
that can run and spit out text just like an asp page does.....so the
placeholders would really be <%= %> tags. Is something like this an
option? Can I somehow run an asp.net page locally? Will this cause
performance problems for 750megs of data which is around 70 pages? Am
I going completely crazy? :-)

> Michael M. Minutillo
> Indiscriminate Information Sponge
> Blog: http://wolfbyte-net.blogspot.com
> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 10:30 AM, mike smith <meski...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Michael Minutillo
>> <michael.minuti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> If you're in .NET 4.0 land then I'd do something similar to this:
>>> public string ReplaceTokens(string src) { /* ... */ }
>>> File.WriteAllLines(outputFileName,
>>> File.ReadLines(inputFileName).Select(ReplaceTokens));
>>> The ReadLines call (new to .NET 4.0) reads one line at a time and returns
>>> it as you iterate over it so in theory you don't need to have the whole file
>>> in memory. Don't use the ReadAllLines method on a 750MB file which DOES read
>>> the whole thing in before you start.
>> Is that a real problem given physical RAM these days?  If you're going to
>> write multiple outputs from the one template file of 750 it's going to
>> rapidly get more efficient to have the template in-ram.   Wait a moment.
>>  You don't work for Readers Digest, do you?  I have no desire whatever to
>> make them more efficient.
>> --
>> Meski
>> "Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure,
>> you'll get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills

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