Qt looks pretty nice. It's a shame it's future is now under a cloud re:


On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:31 PM, David Connors <da...@codify.com> wrote:

> On 1 March 2011 14:18, Ian Thomas <il.tho...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> David #2
>> Yes, I did that after seeing the response from my test code. The
>> MinGW/GCC-compiled executable doesn't respond to
>> FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo - an empty string is returned. All the
>> property details except size, type, date modified are blank.
> Yeah typical effort from the FOSS movement. I really don't understand the
> whole MinGW effort and all this nonsense with getting crap like Apache and
> so on going on Windows. Most of the resulting software is terrible to
> use. That said I did have cause to build a QT based app a couple of weeks
> ago and it* wasn't terrible.*
> The steps to get any sort of resource embedded in a PE format executable
> when using GCC/MinGW etc. would be beyond painful.
> Maybe if you're concerned about your app being incompatible with future
> versions of the MinGW app you could just hash the executable file as a way
> of detecting a change?
> --
> *David Connors* | da...@codify.com | www.codify.com
> Software Engineer
> Codify Pty Ltd
> Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 | Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 | Mobile: +61 417
> 189 363
> V-Card: https://www.codify.com/cards/davidconnors
> Address Info: https://www.codify.com/contact


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