Raising property changed events seems like something that most applications
need to do at some stage. C#3 introduced the auto property i.e. public bool
IsBusy { get; set; }
I am surprised that there isn't a way built into the framework to
automatically raise changed events

Anyway, i saw this code used at a client site. it seems like a smart way to
handle the raised event without using fragile strings that might not get
updated when you change the property name

private bool isBusy;
public bool IsBusy
    get { return isBusy; }
        isDialogProcessing = value;


Thought I'd throw it out there. See how other people are handling property
changed events in their own projects.
I'm sure there is an AOP way of introducing them. But all the AOP demos I
have watched seem to increase compilation times by heaps.

-David Burela

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