Thanks David. I feel much happier about my rant now. I don't usually do
them, but really happy to know that it's not fallen on deaf ears.
Passing it up the chain is the best thing I could hope for, short of the
documentation actually being improved. :)
On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 11:28 AM, David Kean <>wrote:

>  First of all, I understand your points. I also get a little frustrated by
> documentation in certain areas of the product (VS Extensibility docs are
> frustrating me at the moment) – one of the reasons that I add Community
> comments to the bottom of the page when I see something missing.
> However, despite what it looks like on the outside, documentation *is* a
> priority, both on the content side and infrastructure side of things
> (Lightweight view is a perfect example)
> There’s a couple of reasons why the docs are sparse, lacking examples, or
> just bad:
> 1)      There’s a lot of it. .NET Framework’s surface area doubled between
> 3.0 and 4.0. Whether that’s a good thing or not is in the eye of the
> beholder, but it makes it especially hard to write good docs on all members.
>  2)      Developers aren’t doc writers. While I do see some good XML
> comments written by developers internally, it’s usually a rarity – and
> spending time on this means less features. Less features means complaints
> about missing features. It’s a catch-22.
> 3)      On some teams the doc writers don’t have a lot to do with the
> feature team. While not true on my team (BCL) where the doc team turns up to
> every spec review & team meeting, other teams I’ve been on the doc writer
> lives in a completely separate building and doesn’t get involved until after
> the team is feature complete. We do need to improve on this.
>  4)      It’s not worth the return on investment to heavily doc every
> single member.  As mentioned below, there’s over 200,000 pages on MSDN, some
> with under 10 pages view *total. *We need to make sure we make the right
> call around what members people are having trouble with and what members
> need examples. However, we’re also continually updating the docs every
> month. For example, we recently overhauled the 
> String<>class docs last 
> year, this is despite this class practically not changing
> for over 5 years (I think we added a couple of methods in 4.0).
> Please also don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to make excuses, but rather
> trying to be honest.
> Although I can’t directly impact the docs as a whole (other adding comments
> to them where I can, and making sure my feature’s docs are good) – I will
> forward this thread onto a couple of people who can impact them.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Stephen Price
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 23, 2011 7:26 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: Raising property changed events
> Assuming around 200 people on the list, if we each take 1000 pages we
> should be able to tag them all with a "please provide examples"
> I get what you are saying we can post on the pages asking for improvement.
> Doesn't help you at that moment. It does show that documentation wasn't a
> priority. Someone wrote the code once how come that person, or someone
> following closely behind didn't document this public facing class/method
> When it was written? Going back and documenting it all now is a mammoth
> task.
> Technology is being invented at a pace faster than you can learn it, we
> need to be making it easier to learn not harder.
> Agree with Grant. This is an opportunity to really shine.
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 7:38 AM, Trevor Andrew <>
> wrote:
> David,
> I think that Stephen’s original rant was not that this was one example of a
> page documentation needing improvement, but that the entire style of the
> documentation is so minimal as to be close to useless.
> Unless I’m getting to the wrong bits, very little of the documentation I
> reach initially on MSDN is of any more use than confirming syntactic
> correctness and the most minimal explanation of the usage variation. And as
> Stephen pointed out, sometimes almost laughably obvious explanations of
> usage at that.
> My recollections of earlier versions were that they contained much more
> descriptive information, examples, guidance on the use of methods and the
> like. As stated below, it starts to look like Google gives broader
> information than MSDN does.
> Cheers,
> Trevor
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *David Kean
> *Sent:* Thursday, 24 March 2011 2:17 AM
> *To:*; ozDotNet
> *Subject:* RE: Raising property changed events
> If you come across pages where you think the docs need improvement, please
> use the Rating box in the top right. Given that there’s something like
> 200,000+ pages on MSDN, the UE (doc guys) combine that with page views to
> focus on low rated, high viewed pages first.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 23, 2011 6:54 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: Raising property changed events
> Imo. This has been the problem with msdn since the inception of .net.
> The last usable msdn was '98. Where you could find examples on all methods
> with related BUG: documents linked.
> The xml autodoc and java suffer from the same problem, the developers are
> there to write code and not provide examples.
> I haven't pressed F1 in visual studio since early 2001. It's a waste of
> time installing the docs as google will give you better and more concise
> information in half the time.
> .02c
> Davy
> "When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail." I feel
> much the same way about xml
>  ------------------------------
> *From: *Stephen Price <>
> *Sender: *
> *Date: *Wed, 23 Mar 2011 21:48:10 +0800
> *To: *ozDotNet<>
> *ReplyTo: *ozDotNet <>
> *Subject: *Re: Raising property changed events
> I was going to use this an opportunity to vent about the msdn documentation
> and then discovered that the page on this particular method is better than
> what I usually get on msdn docs.
> Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly Method
> Gets the assembly that contains the code that is currently executing.
> <rant>
> so does anyone else get frustrated with this kind of documentation? It's
> like finding comments in your code that say "Gets the value from the
> property". yeah, I can see that from the code. Tell me something about why,
> or how to use it? 95% of the msdn doc pages have no examples. Typically,
> this particular one DOES but I'm sure thats because I wanted to rant about
> it and murphy's law was invoked. Most don't. Some explanations on what
> things actually do or why. Some examples. Please. We're guessing here and
> don't always have time or skills to crack open the dll with decompiler of
> the month and figure it out for ourselves.
> More examples please. Free standing, spelt out, working examples. Pretend
> we want to know how to use the methods. Give us an instruction manual.
> Please!!
> You'd make some happy people if you showed us how to use the framework.
> Throw some unit tests in there or something.
> </rant>
> thanks,
> Stephen
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 1:06 PM, David Kean <>
> wrote:
> Hmm, I'll check internally, but I'd be surprised if we give that guarantee.
> We're free to change our inlining policy at any time, in fact, we did just
> that in 3.5 SP1 x64 which broke a lot of customers who were relying on
> Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() without explicitly turning off inlining for
> the method.
> Whether you can repro something now, is not a good indication of whether
> we'll continue to support in a future service pack or version - always check
>  the docs. However, in saying that, the docs don't really make it clear that
> this might not work correctly in certain situations. In which case, if we
> don't give the above guarantee I'll make sure they call it out.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Mark Hurd
> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 9:36 PM
> To: ozDotNet
> Subject: Re: Raising property changed events
> On 23 March 2011 15:00, Mark Hurd <> wrote:
> > I believe it was in this mailing list that we previously confirmed
> > using GetCurrentMethod, even when included in convoluted ways,
> > guarantees the method will not be inlined.
> Gmail says GetCurrentMethod has /not/ been mentioned before on this mailing
> list since I've been part of it, so I'm remembering that wrong.
> > Can you show an example where GetCurrentMethod does not return the
> > expected method?
> This request still stands however.
> --
> Regards,
> Mark Hurd, B.Sc.(Ma.)(Hons.)

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