Folks, yeah it's me again, futzing overtime.


I've been reading the results of web searches on expressions like "cloud
backup" and I'm getting interesting results, but some of them (like
Backblaze) want to treat you like a dummy and have some locally installed
utility run backups for you. Some are really expensive (mostly AU), and some
are suspiciously cheap. As usual, it's like trying to pick fruit at the
market, too much choice and too many options.


Has anyone here chosen a cloud backup provider that just gives you a vanilla
service for pros like us who know what and when we want to back things up?
No fancy UIs or patronising apps, or at least ones that have a small


I personally wouldn't want more than about 200MB of space for my vital


I have backups on memory sticks, and on a removable drive, and I have
monthly DVDs with alternate ones placed in the tool shed for offsite backup.
But, I'd still like the convenience of zipping files when I feel like it and
sending to cloud backup.


Lord knows about the security issues! That's something I'd like to be
reassured about.



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