I'm not interested in recipe coding, but "Melbourne Muggles" is on next
week, if you're
interested <http://www.meetup.com/melbournehp/ >

On 7 June 2011 23:03, Noon Silk <noonsli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>  Data is here: <http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28596024/recipes%282%29.zip>
>  The guidelines are: You may populate a "database" with this data,
> and, that's it! No queries/stored procedures shall be saved nor shall
> anything else be done until the night!
>  On the night, we will all start from a scratch project and attempt to
> do, "something", with this data. If you have other data you want to
> add, feel free to do so (share it if you like). Any type of
> application will be accepted (mobile/data manipulating
> only/website/etc). 20 minutes will be allocated, with a further 15 to
> discussing solutions and ranking them in some fashion. Hopefully you
> will be first in the rankings as determined by aforementioned system!
>  The prize? Bragging rights and the acclaim of your peers!
>  Participation is expected even from those who don't compete - You
> must watch and comment and generally try talk to the programmers while
> they program, perhaps offering them advice on how to program, where to
> place that semicolon or tab, what bracket they are missing, and most
> importantly - how they are clearly not doing it the most efficient way
> and it would be substantially better were they to do it in *this*
> fashion ... (Be prepared for friendly backtalk ...)
>  So, bring your laptops and prepare to face defeat, in, Coding Stadium!
>  (Feel free to add yourself to the list:
> <http://sites.google.com/site/mxugau/home/2011-06-15>. You don't need
> to prepare to compete; you can just show up and go for it on the
> night).
>  The competition is expected to unfold something like:
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TscjsNMvnDg>
>  Feel free to forward this on to anyone who you think is worthy of
> competing! (Or anyone you want to embarrass with defeat ...)
> --
> Noon Silk | http://dnoondt.wordpress.com/ >
> Fancy a quantum lunch? http://groups.google.com/group/quantum-lunch?hl=en
> "Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy — the joy
> of being this signature."

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