I'm looking for;


Seriously though, only double your pay? We could pass around a collection
tin and make this happen guys!

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:

> *Ye I think this whole naked bear wrestling thing is a wonderful idea.
> Perhaps @ the next TechEd or CodeCamp Greg could do something like this. I
> for one would pay good money to see it :)*
> ** **
> If you double my pay I’ll do it in a pit full of cobras.****
> ** **
> But seriously, I was just about to post a question asking if there was a
> reasonably reliable of a launching the current user’s email client with an
> open email message (the same way as clicking a mailto:xxx link works).
> Just for the hellovit I did this:****
> ** **
> System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("mailto:g...@mira.net?subject=Hello
> World&foo=bar");****
> ** **
> And it works! Lord knows who or what is magically parsing this string, but
> it launches an Outlook new email window with the subject set to "Hello
> World". The keyword "mailto:"; must mean something to someone. So there’s
> some handy news.****
> ** **
> Greg****

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