I was in the UK . Got my first PC from Amstrad 640k 20Mb hard drive (and
was an 8086). I had to choose between a hard drive and colour - parents
could only afford one. Man booting DOS off of a hard drive as opposed to
floppy - magic!!!

Used it for my final year project programming in Modula 2.

On 25 May 2012 11:29, David Richards <ausdot...@davidsuniverse.com> wrote:

> I got my first PC around that time.  Maybe '91 or '92.  Prior to that
> was C64 and A500.  4MB RAM, 128MB HD. Those were the days of the turbo
> button, industrial deafness from printers and an audible click
> whenever you changed screen resolution.  What I find interesting is
> when you look at your phone compared to these old PCs.  It's just
> astounding.  Assuming the trend continues, it wont be long before
> we're all carrying "super computers" to tell everyone what we had for
> breakfast.
> David
> "If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes
>  will fall like a house of cards... checkmate!"
>  -Zapp Brannigan, Futurama
> On 25 May 2012 09:12, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:
> > Folks, it’s a Friday in late May 2012 and I just realised that this week
> is
> > the 20th anniversary of buying my first PC. It cost $5000 from Microway
> and
> > it had (I think) a 486-DX2 processor, 16MB of RAM a 240MB HD, two floppy
> > drives and a 14" monitor, nothing else. It came with floppy discs to
> install
> > DOS 5 and Windows 3.1, both of which had only just been released.
> >
> >
> >
> > Several weeks later I had my first encounter with the knuckle-whitening
> > frustration that would be a part of my life with PCs for the next 20
> years:
> > I bought a Sound blaster card which was faulty. It randomly worked and
> then
> > didn’t, and it would popup "Error 2". After days of suffering I guessed
> that
> > it was a hardware fault and asked the Dick Smith store to let me try
> another
> > card, and it worked immediately. This was the first piece of hardware I
> ever
> > added, and it was cactus, what luck! Also, luckily a friend showed me
> how to
> > install video drivers and I managed to get the 640x480 display up to the
> > maximum of 1024x768 with high colour.
> >
> >
> >
> > I build a new PC for my wife last night and compared to my original PC it
> > has 500 times more RAM, 5000 times the disc space and the CPU is so much
> > faster and different that I’m not sure a comparison would be meaningful.
> > With SSD, memory sticks, LCD screens, disc burners, networking, Internet
> > etc, we’ve come a long way, thank heavens.
> >
> >
> >
> > Greg

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

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