We were just discussing that in the office today. I feel the same...
Enterprise usually lags behind by at least one whole release cycle,
sometimes two. They have been trying to kill support for XP for years and I
bet there are still many using it.

They need to target their new OS's at kids when they are young. Hang around
in school yards and offer them candy. What could go  wrong?

(What?! Dilbert did it. Why can't I?)

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 3:28 PM, David Connors <da...@connors.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 4:15 PM, Ian Thomas <il.tho...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen today called Windows 8 "puzzling" and
>> "confusing initially," but assured users that they would eventually learn
>> to like the new OS.****
>> http://www.arnnet.com.au/article/438005/microsoft_co-founder_calls_windows_8_puzzling_confusing_
> Unlikely. We just helped a customer drop ~150 new desktops - users were
> going from XP to Windows 7. Most could not understand 7 vs XP
> (non-technical users in HR, finance etc who live in one or two apps).
> Win8 isn't visiting the enterprise any time soon.
> --
> David Connors
> da...@connors.com | M +61 417 189 363
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