I travel on the train every day. At least 50% of people are staring into a
phone on the way to work (me included, WP7). This is at least 10x more than
the number who have an iPad on the train. From this I can only conclude
that when people are on the road and want mobility they use their phone,
not their tablet. I also own an iPad and it is used 95% of the time at
home, on the couch or kitchen.

So 3g is not a high priority for most tablet users as they are mostly only
using it at home or office.

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 12:45 PM, David Kean <david.k...@microsoft.com>wrote:

>  (My opinion, not Microsoft’s)****
> ** **
> In past releases we’ve focused on enterprise scenarios, with the thought
> that the consumer will buy what they use at work. Apple has long since
> proven that things have changed and I still groan every time I see Steve
> Balmer’s quote when he was asked about the iPhone and said that they would
> get at maximum 3% of the market share.****
> ** **
> This time, Windows/Surface has bucked their typical product cycle and
> instead said that they’re entirely focusing on everyday consumers. The fact
> that we’re developers and techies automatically rules us out (not that I
> won’t happily use the one that they are giving us :)).****
> ** **
> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:
> ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *David Szkilnyk
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 17, 2012 4:33 PM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet'
> *Subject:* RE: Just seen the prices of Window 8 RT Surface devices....****
>  ** **
> The 3g is a mute subject how many times in our day to life we just
> portable hot spot our phones.****
> From the kids in the car playing on the ipad to jump on the network to get
> something, to the network going down at work so your laptop can still keep
> going, to your tablet out of wifi range and you need to grab something
> urgently.   ****
> ** **
> >>Tell me I’m wrong?****
> I am of view what can it be used for? I see no benefit from this device
> and yet to see why this is different in that I should purchase it over what
> is already existing.****
> I am constantly asked by people around me and I cannot see why or even
> what I you could do with this device over the ipad and android other than
> Office. ****
> With Office I have yet see it running on it yet (though I reserve
> judgement here)  though I am of mind that I would rather spend a few more
> dollars for atom version or a proper intel version and have a full win8
> running and not running in its restricted environment.  ****
> ** **
> Personally I am waiting for the surface pro or ultra hybrid as to replace
> my aging 13in laptop, I have a set boundaries of operations and see this
> piece of hardware a very good step up, but a RT what’s it for?****
> ** **
> Dave.****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [
> mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com <ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com>] *On
> Behalf Of *Tony Wright
> *Sent:* Thursday, 18 October 2012 9:22 AM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet'
> *Subject:* RE: Just seen the prices of Window 8 RT Surface devices....****
> ** **
> Also, which would you prefer – a device that you can plug a SIM into, or
> one that you can’t? Microsoft’s tablet only has WIFI, which is a major
> market killer for business applications.****
> ** **
> So if you had to splurge on a tab, which would you go for – a tab that
> supports 3G, or one that doesn’t? Very disappointing.****
> ** **
> Right now they appear to be going for the stupid rich Microsoft fanboys
> who will be silly enough to purchase this device and then pay again when
> the true mobile versions come out. This is the Zune all over again. They
> will have an initial take up from fanboys, and then watch sales drop
> dramatically afterwards.****
> ** **
> Tell me I’m wrong?****
> ** **

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