ASP.NET WebAPI seems to be the new hotness. I don't have much experience
with WCF, but everyone I talk to says it is too heavy and complicated.
WebAPI tries to simplify things.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 7:50 AM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

>  What about the death of WCF as everything else in the modern
>> technological landscape seems to be dying?  Is WCF another one?
> Everything that dies has to be replaced in some form or another. If WCF is
> dying, what's its replacement?
> If I want to publicly expose my .NET "service" over the wire, what else
> can I use? SOAP, Sockets, Remoting, REST, two tin cans and a string?
> I'm I missing some gossip about sweeping changes in this area? If anyone
> knows, please speak up.
> Greg

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