Speaking of Outlook issues, I hope all of you Outlook users realise
that whenever Outlook auto-replaces your smilies it looks like garbage
Latin glyphs on every other mail user agent in the universe.
Apparently it is replacing your smilies with spans of wingdings. It
took me ages to figure out where these spurious J's were coming from:

On 26 March 2014 12:28, Nathan Chere <nathan.ch...@saiglobal.com> wrote:
> Isn't that what this whole mailing list is all about J

To those of you who have noticed that I'm using Gmail, yes I know
Gmail isn't perfect either, but in the Unicode age there is no excuse
for dingbat fonts. Even a text/plain email can contain smilies if
encoded with a Unicode charset (try U+263A).

Thomas Koster

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