you can't use local functions in a database query,
your query would look like this, Select IssueId, IssueTitle, EtaDate =
?????? from vwIssues.

get all the data from the database with a .ToList();

then loop over the collection and call the method, you could even do this
with a parallel loop.

Parallel.ForEach( issues, x => x.EtaDate = NodaTimeUtil.



"So you want to keep data which is local, only ever going to be local, only
needed locally, never accessed remotely, not WANTED to be made available
outside our building, which can only WEAKEN our security by being off site,
hosted offsite." BOFH: Simon Travaglia

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 1:38 PM, <anthonyatsmall...@mail.com> wrote:

>      var issues = from n in db.vwIssues
>                          where n.IsDeleted == false & n.Archived == false
>                          orderby n.ETADate descending,n.PriorityOrder
> ascending, n.DateModified descending
>                          select new IssueViewModel
>                          {
>                              IssueId = n.IssueId,
>                              IssueTitle = n.IssueTitle,
>                              ETADate =
> NodaTimeUtil.ConvertToMelbourneTimeZoneFromUtc(n.ETADate.Value), //doesn't
> like it
>                              Status = n.StatusName,
>                          };
> How do i achieve the above requirement, ie change date to local time as
> date
> in db is UTC
> Anthony Salerno | Founder | SmallBiz Australia
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