> How do people find the font sizes for programming/web surfing with such a
> high-resolution? I know you can make the editor fonts bigger, but what
> about menus/etc? How does Visual Studio look?

After getting my Dell I think I posted in here to remind people how
important it is to write apps that can "zoom" to suit your distance,
resolution and how tired your eyes are. I found some of my own desktop apps
looked like little ant farms on the Dell. Right then I decided that all
XAML based apps that I write would have at some zooming ability for all
major parts of the UI (and I have kept my promise). I usually put a small
slider at the bottom left of grids, dialogs, etc and bind FontSize to it,
so with one line you get free zooming.

All the major apps I use can (mostly) zoom, Visual Studio, IE, Office apps,
Notepad2, etc. I say "mostly" because many menus, toolbars, trees, etc
within these apps don't zoom. So the experience is inconsistent in Windows
and these apps, but it's just enough to satisfy me and I find I'm using the
Ctrl+Wheel unconsciously all day, especially in VS2013 on the Dell.

*Greg K*

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