Coming soon, but details are sketchy. Best estimates are there will be a
data center in both Melbourne and Sydney and hopefully available by the end
of the year.

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 1:27 PM, <> wrote:

> Anyone know if azure hosting have a presence in Australia?
> I am new to Azure,   if I want to setup a website with full redundancy,
> what service in azure do I need?  It needs to scale on demand.
> Any help would be awesome!
> Anthony Salerno | Founder | SmallBiz Australia
> Innovation | Web | Software | M2M | Developers | Support
> +613 8400 4191 | 2Anthony (at)  | Po Box 135, Lower
> Plenty 3093 ABN : 16 079 706 737
> |

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