This effected me bad, although at least it happened during our day time so
I was immediately aware and could communicate to users.

Not exactly sure what happened but I think it was related to Cloud Storage
being down. Many of the services rely on Cloud Storage so when it is dead
almost everything is dead. Things that concerned me are

a) How can a problem happen simultaneously is almost every data center.
Shouldn't they be isolated so that can't happen.
b) They need to communicate better during outages. The status page is to
slow to update and often not accurate. They need a Twitter account giving
updates every 5 minutes.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Corneliu I. Tusnea <
> wrote:

> Hi every,
> Yesterday Azure had a massive outage with 80% of the Azure going down
> world wide.
> At some point only the Australian, Brazil and Japan DCs were still working.
> The outage took down XBox and Office 365 and of course everyone else
> running on Azure.
> There deems to be no news from Microsoft of what went wrong and why.
> Jeffrey Fritz gave an "explanation" but I'm not buying it:
> Anybody has any other details about this?
> Thanks,
> Corneliu.

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