IE dev tools should have the option to see the generated source

On Sunday, 20 September 2015, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

> Folks, back in the mid 1990s as a challenge I wrote a web page with some
> raw JavaScript in it to generate a large table of random but vaguely
> realistic looking email addresses (using letter distribution frequencies).
> It was folklore back then that pages like this would "poison" spam address
> harvesters.
> Almost 20 years later I'm still getting daily 404 requests for that
> ancient page, so I found a copy, modernised it a bit and it still works.
> BUT ... in IE's View Source you do not see any of the html emitted by the
> script. Is by design? Does it mean that the spam harvesters would never
> drink their poison?
> Technically, I'm surprised that the browser is ignorant of script changes
> to the DOM. Can anyone explain the behaviour?
> *Greg*

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