You can use a combination of 1 & 2, it really depends on how 'legacy' your
app is. Does the installation have lots of custom bits you need to do and
things to be installed, if so a VM or Web Role is probably best. If it
doesn't have many dependencies like that then you can probably use a WebApp.

SQL Azure supports most standard SQL Server features, you can see the
differences here


On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 8:21 AM, Grant Molloy <> wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> I did these calcs before seeing the calculator, and it pretty much
> confirmed my calcs for storage.
> As a complete Azure newb, I'm assuming I have the following options..
> 1. Virtual machine where I'd install company licensed versions of SQL, run
> IIS, and maybe some disk storage for files and SQL backups, etc
> Or
> 2. Web app service, SQL, storage for files etc.
> Is this correct?
> On Jul 27, 2016 7:40 AM, "Greg Keogh" <> wrote:
>> Hi Grant, you might be one of the few people in history with the will
>> power to attempt to use the calculator, I balked. My usage is small in
>> comparison, about 60MB of Table rows and 3GB of Blobs, all with trivial IO
>> counts. My recent account summaries show a cost of about $0.25/month for
>> this data, so I'm guessing your low figures are in the right order of
>> magnitude.
>> I also have a Basic Small App running my personal web site, which also
>> has trivial hit rates and it costs $55/month. I recently deleted a tiny SQL
>> database which had zero IO and was costing about $30/month. I restate my
>> alarm over these costs, especially the Apps, which can add-up to
>> frightening annual amounts which might dissuade small business from
>> chucking out their own boxes and migrating to the cloud.
>> *Greg*
>> On 26 July 2016 at 15:45, Grant Molloy <> wrote:
>>> Hi list..
>>> Azure has always baffled me a bit with their pricing..  I'm looking into
>>> something for my employer and looking at the costs here,
>>> and trying
>>> to work out the cost of storing files starting from scratch..
>>> So with this following scenario, can anyone confirm my pricing examples?
>>> So lets say I have 0 files in Azure to start with.
>>> If each month 5,000 5mb files are uploaded (giving approx 25.6GB of
>>> files at the end of the month), and each file is written only 1 time, but
>>> read 3 times.
>>> *BLOB storage *prices (from above link)..
>>> + Storage - GRS (COOL) - First 100TB/M $0.0382 (is prorata'd)
>>> + Access - GRS (COOL) - Put (/10,000) $0.2547
>>> - Other (/10,000)   $0.0127
>>> - Retrieval (GB) $0.0127
>>> -  Write (GB)   $0.0064
>>> - GRS (GB)   $0.1528  (geographical redundancy)
>>> Example:
>>> Storage: 25.6/2 x ((0.0382/100)*0.025)  NOTE: have halved data amount to
>>> give an average for the month, as you're not paying for the full 25.6GB of
>>> storage for the whole month.
>>> 12.8 * 0.00000955 = $ 0.00012224
>>> Access: PUT: 0.2547/10k * 5k = $ 0.12735
>>> READ: 25.6GB * 3 * 0.0127 = $ 0.97536
>>> GRS:  25.6GB * 0.1528 = $ 3.91168
>>> *$$  5.01451224*
>>> END OF 2nd MONTH
>>> Storage: (25.6GB + 25.6/2) x ((0.0382/100)*(0.025+0.025/2))
>>> 38.4GB x (0.000382 * 0.0375)
>>> 38.4GB x 0.000014325 = $ 0.00055008
>>> Access: PUT: 0.2547/10k * 5k = $ 0.12735
>>> READ: 25.6GB * 3 * 0.0127 = $ 0.97536
>>> GRS:  25.6GB * 0.1528 = $ 3.91168
>>> *$$  5.01494008*
>>> *FILE storage* (prices from above link too)
>>> File Storage
>>> + Storage - GRS Per GB $0.1401
>>> + Access - GRS - Put (/10k) $0.3821
>>> - List (/10k) $0.1911
>>> - Other (/10k) $0.0191
>>> Example.
>>> Storage: 25.6GB/2 x 0.1401 = $  1.79
>>> Put: (0.3821 / 10k * 5k) = $  0.19
>>> Read: (0.0191 / 10k * 5k) x 3 = $  0.03
>>>  *$$  2.01*
>>> END OF 2nd MONTH
>>> Storage: (25.6 + 25.6/2)GB x 0.1401 = $ 5.38
>>> Put: (0.3821 / 10k * 5k) = $  0.19
>>> Read: (0.0191 / 10k * 5k) x 3 = $  0.03
>>> * $$  5.60*
>>> Do these calculations look correct ??

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