The great Greg Low recently posted on facebook about some frustrations with 
Entity Framework.

So, when I'm asked a question starting with this:

The root of our problem at the moment is that Entity Framework (v6.1.3) is 
choosing to cast datetime parameter values to datetime2 and then

I can see the problem already. Let me simplify it for you:

The root of our problem at the moment is xxxx Entity Framework (v6.1.3) xx 
xxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxxx

I would like to get a feeling for the current lay of the land on this subject.

Is this post representative of people’s experience?
Do people have criteria of when to use and not use the EF?
If you  don’t use it, what alternative do you use?
What type of projects is EF not suitable for?
Is it still getting the attention from MS that it deserves? Or is it becoming a 
forgotten child?
In reference to SQL Server, is it keeping up with SQL Server, lagging behind, 
streets ahead or just butting heads and not playing well together.

Dave A

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