> Scripting Language Fatigue: When you have to learn Yet Another Scripting
> Language (YASL)

You mean YAJSF (yet another JavaScript framework). I received the usual
notification about the next ALT.NET meetup (which I missed), and guess what
... someone spruiked YAJSF. See: October Meeting
<http://www.meetup.com/Melbourne-ALT-NET/events/234951666/>. This one was
Cerebral, but who cares, who else is going JS snow-blind and can't tell
them apart any more?

I'm becoming more convinced that the time we're coding in now will
historically be known as the aeon of JS madness. Just like a generation of
programmers were crippled by VB in the 1990s, a new generation is being
corrupted by JS into thinking they're writing real software or contributing
something to "computer science", but they're just writing gigantic
mountains of scripts.

Comparison of JavaScript frameworks
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_JavaScript_frameworks> (there
must be a lot more, Cerebral's not listed)

*Greg K*

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