WF alive? you'd be surprised how deep that ball of code runs in the .NET
ecosystem. Killing it is like admitting XAML was a bad idea but when has
that ever stopped Microsoft from quietly sliding the dead corpse under the
bed hoping the smell eventually will subside before admitting the "body is

Hot swapping for an alternative option negates the need sadly, as say what
you will about our good ol fashioned WWF it did have a visual design
editor, so its like "derp derp, look i'm multi-threading tasks derp derp".
Its not complicated only if you want it to do all of your code for you
visually or otherwise.

I've got a boostrapped IISExpress runner already, i can basically stand up
an IISExpress localhost on its own - provided - you have IISExpress already
installed. I did see some rumblings about redistributing the IISExpress
installer .msi with your "app" which i'll suppress the urge to slap the IIS
team upside the head with "you learned nothing from your competitive urges
against WAMP"

Ideally i'd rather have something a bit more agnostic platform wise (OSX -
mono) which was why i was kind of hoping this science experiment known as
ASP.NET Core / .NET Core (or whatever latest smack head branding was
conjured on the day) - could actually live up to its hope filled promise.
Just like a poor kid in a foster home at Christmas, the adults are being
shifty again.

It appears however after some googling we're back to the game of "it kinda
works" with comments trailing off mumbling something to the style of "its a
marathon, not a sprint" explanations.

Dang it, i had a plan people... i'm not saying it was well thought out, but
it had the vision of bold greatness...

Scott Barnes

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 8:05 PM, Vasileios Samaltanos <> wrote:

> Is WF still alive? From memory I believe the last update was around 2012.
> I doubt that it will ever reach .NET Core.
> We used WF for a while but it was too complicated for our needs. We
> developed our own workflow engine around
> state-machine/stateless and never looked back.
> On 19 January 2017 at 18:18, Preet Sangha <> wrote:
>> Scott,
>> I don't think WF is available on .net Core yet. So in that case I'd
>> recommend IIS Express as your host. All the WF stuff I did was years ago
>> and it was all IIS based. It's grown considerably easier I hear.
>> Preet
>> regards,
>> Preet, in Auckland NZ
>> On 19 January 2017 at 19:46, Scott Barnes <> wrote:
>>> I have a need to create a local mini web server which sole job is to act
>>> as a WCF host for local area network clients to feed off. The web server's
>>> main role is to act as a Windows Workflow host that will process inbound
>>> data into various whacky workflow(s).
>>> The web server is headless in that i don't ever plan on providing a HTML
>>> UI to it, as its really just in place to run long running procs, react to
>>> new inbound data and then answer any local clients requests back with data
>>> (in fact i'd ideally like to keep it locally "swagger"`fied).
>>> Where are we at with this kind of pattern, any new toys to play with
>>> that makes this easier or should i keep it circa 2009 and below - .NET wise.
>>> I'm at the moment leaning towards .NET Core mix but still not sure how
>>> to make Windows Workflow fit into that still (i have to use WWF).
>>> ---
>>> Regards,
>>> Scott Barnes

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