I miss C but not C++ at all

On Tuesday, 18 April 2017, Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Folks, those of us writing managed code in here should be really grateful.
> I know because on the weekend I tried to resurrect some of my C++ library
> code that has been untouched since 2003. Well ... everything has changed
> thanks to the security review, Unicode, new standard libraries, language
> features and compilers. It took me hours to get the old code modernised to
> compile, but then I ran into incomprehensible linker errors that I still
> haven't solved. So I'm not there yet.
> Then this morning I had to prove to a colleague who only writes C++ that
> Azure Storage was usable from C++ programs without too much suffering
> because I expected and hoped that helper libraries would be available. I
> found good sample articles here
> <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/storage-c-plus-plus-how-to-use-blobs>
> and here
> <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/storage-c-plus-plus-how-to-use-blobs>,
> and I eventually made a simple working sample, but it was hell. The
> namespaces are unfamiliar, the iterators are cryptic, there are new magic
> string macros, but worst of all is asynchrony via the pplx library. In
> managed code we can just await or let! bind for asynchrony, and the
> language syntax is short and clear. I still haven't managed to get a single
> async C++ function call to work yet.
> I was hoping that after all these years, and with the trend to "modern
> C++" that things would be better, and I'm sure they are once you get the
> hang of it, but the change in style, libraries, language and compilers
> makes your 20th century C/C++ code experience mostly obsolete. Now I really
> appreciate how lucky we are writing C# and F#.
> Here endeth the post Easter sermon.
> *Greg K*

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