Try setting your authorization to

<allow users="?"/>

and leave the authentication in there as it is. If that makes everything work, 
then the fix would be to set allow access to the folder they need for things to 
work, and the rest is then authenticated.

It's also possible your deny also needs an allow for authenticated. (Not sure 
if you need both...) It can be fiddly to get working right. Security is that 
thing you turn on that breaks everything. :)

[]<> - Allow anonymous authentication for a single 
So here is the scenario, I have an Asp.Net application that is using a custom 
authentication & membership provider but we need to allow completely ...

From: <> on behalf 
of Tony Wright <>
Sent: Monday, 1 May 2017 7:43:23 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Angular 4 under windows authentication

Yea I'm pretty certain it's security, but I thought it would be a bit drastic 
to set files to anonymous access.

The interesting thing is that scripts are loading, just not through systemjs 
(which is the default module loader for new Angular). I'm not sure what context 
systemjs is running under, or why it's not seeing other files when it should 
already be authenticated. The whole of my index.html file has been moved into 
an index.cshtml file to support windows authentication under iis.

Just thinking this through, it is probably acceptable to have all the script 
and html files as anonymously accessible, as it is at the webapi controller 
that we truly need to lock down security. Does that make sense? I thought it 
would have problems authenticating against webapi if I did it that way!

(FYI, I'm using dot net framework 4 for this one, as it supports the EF canvas.)

On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 9:26 AM, Stephen Price 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Tony,
I did a bit of this kind of troubleshooting last year. I had to set up 
anonymous access for one service and authenicated on the rest. I ended up 
setting that in the web.config file at the IIS level. You can specify the 
files/permissions there.
Have you tried seeing what errors are returned using fiddler? Might help you. 
It could be that you need to allow anonymous access to something... Not looked 
at your site, am on my phone but it does sound permission related given it all 
works anonymous


On 1 May 2017 7:12 am, Tony Wright 
<<>> wrote:
Hey all,

I currently have an angular 4 app (same as 2) running successfully with 
anonymous authentication.

I am now trying to get it to work with windows authentication for an intranet 

It is unable to use the SystemJs loader at the moment. I've managed to get past 
the unauthorised problem, but it is complaining about the requirejs include 
being missing (it's there.)

The exact error message is:

Uncaught Error: Module name "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic" has not been 
loaded yet for context: _. Use require([])<>
    at F (require.js:7) [<root>]
    at Object.m [as require] (require.js:26) [<root>]
    at requirejs (require.js:32) [<root>]
    at :1264/app/main.js:2:34 [<root>]

I have put more details up on stackoverflow, including a link to my demo app.

My demo app may be found here: 
(the name may be a bit confusing - its actually an angular 4 app I'm running 
under VS2017 enterprise. Serves me right for putting technology versions in the 
solution name!)

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get around this?

Kind regards,

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