Folks, back in July I asked about adding a shell context menu for .sln
files. It turns out that many extensions follow a simple pattern of
registry entries in HCR where you can add commands. Some extensions such as
.sln follow a different convention that is completely baffling and despite
all sorts of daring experiments I failed to add menus to such items.

Now I want to do a similar thing to items with specific extensions in the
Visual Studio solution tree. There are many samples of how to use Options >
Customize to add custom menu commands to tree items, but they apply to *all*
items. I want to add specific commands for extensions but can't find any
clues so far. I'm starting to suspect that this is not possible via
Customize and may need to write and install an extension, which is too much

Does anyone know if it's possible to customize VS tree item commands by
extension? It would be a fabulous productivity boost if it is possible.

*Greg K*

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