When VS stopped including an installer, I started using "Inno Setup".  My
first projects were super simple and it was great for that.  But I ended up
doing fairly complex things and it has yet to me down.

On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 at 16:44 Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No worries. I also used Wix for another project and honestly I believe
>> that though it has so much promise, it really had such appaling
>> documentation and examples available that nearly every thing was a real
>> pain to try and work out.
> I must rather guiltily agree. When vdproj files were dropped, I went to
> learn WiX and gave up in disgust at the blithering mess of the design and
> documentation. It took me years of casual poking around and web searches to
> unleash the full (but limited) features of vdproj, but I use them almost
> daily now. Adding a custom installer class can fill the gaps of 95% of
> things the vdproj can't do itself.
> *Greg K*

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