> Did you look at the iconv API?

I didn't know about that, but I was hoping to avoid things like it. After
another hour of stuffing around and reading the fine print of the old C
library functions
I found this works:

FILE* file;
_wfopen_s(&file, L"K:\\temp\\temp-utf8.txt", L"r, ccs=UTF-8")
wchar_t buff[128];
fgetws(buff, 128, file)

No wonder I missed that subtle parameter change. The file's BOM is silently
consumed and I just get back wide strings terminated by \n\0. Here's a copy
of a watch value of a line:

0x00d3fadc L"Greek = ΑΒΓΔ\n"

*Greg K*

P.S. I'm still not sure that the 128 length in the code is correct. Is it
128 wide or 256 bytes? (what a mess)

P.P.S. I can't figure out how to display Unicode characters on the DOS
console. I tried chcp 65001 and changing to different TT fonts, but nothing

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