> I have never understood the fixation with C++ unless you're in the
> business of writing kernels, device drivers, embedded systems, etc.

The library we're phasing out was started around 1997, so you can throw the
authors a bone because the world was very different back then. Your main
choices were C/C++, VB and Java.

I stand by my opinion that C++ is the most absurdly complex and idiotic
language in contemporary use. Ooops! I made a judgement.


> On Fri, 1 Sept 2023 at 08:44, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet <
> ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com> wrote:
>> Folks, it's Friday and I have an anecdote to share before I return to
>> today's coding fiasco. I'll just tell you what happened and try to avoid
>> making judgements, I'll leave that to you.
>> For about 4 years we've had an Azure hosted Web API/service driving a
>> moderately complex Blazor app and some other smaller clients. The service
>> hosted a C++ library that did the heavy lifting of generating
>> cross-tabulation reports. The trouble was, that the service would randomly
>> crash deep inside the C++ dll and it would leave no useful diagnostic
>> evidence, usually just a hint about some kind of memory access violation.
>> It would never crash in testing, only in Azure. I presume here is a way to
>> diagnose this sort of crash in Azure hosting, but you probably need the
>> minidump and symbol files out of the C++ compile, I'm not exactly sure, as
>> I just couldn't face the toil, and by great luck it was due for replacement
>> anyway. Some very large US companies were suffering from the crash
>> interruptions and there was a serious risk that we could lose their
>> business.
>> The lucky part is that the huge C++ codebase was already being rewritten
>> in C#, so we went into a frenzy of continued conversion and testing, and
>> the C# replacement is now about 90% rolled-out. and guess what?! ... The
>> random crashes are gone and one customer even sent us a message of thanks
>> for the new reliability.
>> We did have a few small unhandled exceptions, but I simply went to the
>> Azure portal logs and the stack trace pointed us straight to the problem
>> point. We could usually publish a fix within half an hour.
>> So years of random C++ crashes were completely cured by a C# rewrite.
>> *Greg K*
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