dear listers,
Some time ago I recieved enormous help from ,"listers" re a client [pg] with PIH with significant proteinuria a SGA baby in a breech position . Monitoring of her pathology and baby became routine and yesterday she was admitted under an obstet for an ECV at 40 weeks she had tried everything excercises acupuncture herbs etc . The ECV failed and  the bottom remained mobile over brim estimated weight at 39 weeks on u/s 4lb 11oz .Her BP remained elevated but stable and her proteinuria increased all maternal blood tests and bio-physical profiles on baby remained wonderful, the parents were disappioted as they wanted a home birth but private  hospital arrangments were made with some labour care at home prior to transfer.
Last night her husband rang me at 0330 hrs to say she was in established labour  with membranes ruptured, clear liquor first contraction at 0245 I arrived at 0430 baby was born at 0458 lotus breech birth, the baby is 5lb and has b/f non stop. Agars 7and 9 .We rang the hospital to say the baby was born.and we were staying home .BP after del still up [but not as much as it has been] but I expect it to be down when  I visit this afternoon.
WHAT A JOURNEY THIS HAS BEEN and thanks for all your help lol jan

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