Terry I have forwarded your query to Michelle Carrucan.  Michelle and Annie 
Sprague have a few pools, and recently had 2 made new.  This model is very 
sturdy, made with steel pipes that form a frame (and that come apart for 
transporting), and a pool liner.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Child Birth Information Service [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, August 03, 2001 1:16 PM
To:     Ozmidwifery mailing list
Subject:        Birth Pools

 Hi every one,  The Childbirth Information Service wish to obtain a new 
 birth pool, ours is getting old.  The company we originally got the pool 
from has gone out of business and we need some new contacts to enable us to 
get a new one.
Please send any information to Terry: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 156 Warwick 
Street, West Hobart 7000 Tasmania
Phone 03 62310633
Thanks all Terry

Hi every one,  The Childbirth Information Service wish to obtain a new  birth pool, ours is getting old.  The company we originally got the pool from has gone out of business and we need some new contacts to enable us to get a new one.
Please send any information to Terry: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 156 Warwick Street, West Hobart 7000 Tasmania
Phone 03 62310633
Thanks all Terry

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