Dear Jo
The group of independent midwives in Victoria who call ourselves MIPP 
(Midwives in Private Practice - a member group of the Maternity Coalition) 
have collected and collated homebirth data over the years.  The last 
triennial report is 1995-1998, reporting on 437 planned homebirths.  Jenny 
Parratt did the bulk of the work, with Annie Sprague helping and me in the 
background. (it's time for another report!)

22 women in the study had had at least one previous caesarean.  Eight had 
undergone caesar for the previous birth.  The report notes:
"Of the group who had a caesarean section in their most recent previous 
pregnancy, more than half had home births. There was one antenatal 
transfer, two labour transfers prior to delivery and one transfer for a 
retained placenta. One of the labours was greater than 24 hours long and 
two of the births were in water."

The numbers of VBAC planned homebirths are too small to draw conclusions 
from these figures.  We have simply reported on the numbers that we have. 
 Some women engage an independent midwife to go with them to hospital for a 
planned VBAC.  Those births are not included in the homebirth data.

As I said in my email earlier this month, the Vic government's statistics 
on births in 2000 have been published.  There is a report on this going 
into the next issue of Birth Matters. One of the clinical indicators is 
"Rate of vaginal delivery after primary caesarean section" which is 20.4%.

I hope you are able to collect lots of vbac information and make it all 
publically available.  People like you and Jackie Mawson and others who 
make it your business to find out these things have a potential for 
demanding change in a way that those of us on the job don't.
Joy Johnston
-----Original Message-----
From:   Dean & Jo Bainbridge [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, October 18, 2001 9:36 PM
Subject:        Homebirth stats

 << File: ATT00001.htm >> Is there any Australian homebirth stats avaliable 
from anywhere?  I would be especially interested in vbac related stats and 
the 'general type'.
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8365 7059
birth with trust, faith & love...

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