Dear all
I'd like to differentiate between copyright infringement that Joy and Pinky are talking about and stories for the 'The Birth Book'. In no way did I infringe copyright.
People had emailed me privately with their birth stories after a request for birth stories for inclusion into the 'The Birth Book' was placed on ozmidwifery. A follow up email was sent to all those who sent me stories confirming permission. Though I do think Pinky's written permission is a good idea (which is something I now do) and so is having better back up for the computer (which I might add I now have in place).
Pinky - I can request a copy of the book from the publisher for those who had their stories reproduced. I'm sure the publisher wouldn't mind.
If you are interested - 'The Birth Book' is a collection of women's birth stories and makes for really interesting reading.
Jane Palmer

Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond
Caring, Professional Midwifery Services
Sydney Visit

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Pinky
Sent: Wednesday, 17 October 2001 3:47 PM
Subject: Book

 You make an important point - I too have had work "ripped off" from my website.  I must say I was flabbergasted and quite furious. In the case that I discovered I actually pointed out that this was a breach of copyright and asked for it to be removed within 24 hours or I would take legal action - this was an Australian site - not sure how this applies internationally in a practical sense - although it is definitely a legal issue.
 I have also come across sections from articles I have written in various newspapers that I was unaware had been used in Books - I dont mind if I am acknowleged and people have told me EXACTLY what they are using but I was shocked to find  a direct quote in a book on body image by a well known Melbourne writer/ cartoonist a few years ago that simply referenced my article as  "Belly Dancing article Sunday Age ". -Not even my name as the author and certainly no request for permission.
In the case of the birth stories, Jane has obviously asked permission initially but some publishers seem to be less than clear about the definition of "permission" For Parenting By Heart, I actually had permission forms filled in by people I interviewed - even thougn I wrote up the interviews and in many cases used pseudonyms. the very few people  who supplied their own  stories were offered "payment' - most requested copies of the book.
 Jane - can you get your publisher to send these people free copies if they give you their addresses?
  • Book Pinky
    • book Jane Palmer
    • book Joyce, Sally (nee Ferguson)
    • book louise johnson

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