Linda, this is a good strategy to cover that initial few hours.  If the 
mother's sugar levels have been well controlled the baby should not be 
suffering severely from hypoglycaemia. But all except the sickest babies 
and mothers should be together for that period of time, and the baby can 
take the colostrum for itself.  If the baby is severely affected, most 
experts agree that an IV line, and close monitoring of blood glucose, is 
reasonable - and no formula. Without milk banks this is a simple and useful 
option, and it's something anyone can do (ie don't need anyone's 
The concern that expressing may bring the woman into labour prematurely is 
hardly a worry at 36 weeks. Many women have continued breastfeeding an 
older child and tandem fed the new baby, born at term.  Oxytocin receptors 
seem to become active at that undefinable moment when body and baby 
announce 'it's time!'.
Joy Johnston
-----Original Message-----
From:   alan trewern [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Saturday, December 08, 2001 9:53 PM
To:     ozmidwifery
Subject:        re expressing

 << File: ATT00005.htm >> Dear listers,
                    This discussion about formula without consent prompts 
me to ask if anyone is familiar with expressing and storing colostrum 
before birth.I recently had a woman in an ante-natal class tell me she was 
36weeks and an insulin dependant gestational diabetic.All babies of these 
mums go to special care for a minimum of 4hrs and are subjected to a fairly 
recent and strict protocol of care.This mum had a tour of the nursery after 
a recent a/n visit and it was suggested to her to start expressing and 
freezing colostrum to avoid the potential of either formula or a glucose 
drip for her baby.My initial feeling was this could cause a prem labor and 
then I realized if she had been tandem feeding( she wasn't) the 
milk/colostrum was still being removed anyway.I spoke to our lactaction 
consultant about it and she could see no problem unless there was a history 
of prem labor which there wasn't.Is any one else suggesting this to 
pregnant mums?
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