Hi everyone -take a look at the health page in the culture section of todays age -I am raging -a very tenuous link has been made between the success of controlled crying and prevention of postnatal depression the article also states "amazingly sleep deprivation has not been linked to PND "- apparently a local study (RCH) showing parents claiming sleep training made their lives easier has been published in the BMJ.
I am dealing with other pressing deadlines today but my blood is boiling at these claims - why aren't we supporting mothers and who is advovcating for babies -my book "100 Ways to Calm the Crying" will be out at the beginning of July -Launch at Borders Chadstone Friday 5th July at 11am - please come one and all - anyone who wants invites please contact me with snail mail address and numbers -Sheila Kitzinger has done a gorgeous foreword - she says "this book RESPECTS babies."
Lets get some respect!!

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