The June issue of Birth Matters, the journal of the Maternity Coalition, is 
now on its way to members.  The following is by way of explanation, and 
advertisement / membership drive.  Please forward this message to other 
lists if you believe it may be welcome.

Maternity Coalition is a national non-profit charity - an umbrella 
organisation made up of individuals and groups; consumers and providers of 
maternity care, as well as academics who comment on women's rights and 
social change. Articles which are given priority in Birth Matters are those 
which address the Maternity Coalition's agenda of advocating for the rights 
of women as mothers, and reform of maternity services. Our website is at 
present being updated - see  Annual 
membership is only $30 for individual subscribers in Australia.

The articles in Vol 6.2 include discussion of 'Partnership in Practice' by 
NZ consumer advocate Rea Daellenbach, and a response by Kerreen Reiger. Jan 
Robinson's compilation of advice from the Democrats, 'Influencing the 
Decision Makers' is very useful to anyone who seeks to be an agent for 
Robin Payne reports on the 'Three Centres Consensus Guidelines on Antenatal 
Care'; Roslyn Donnellan - Fernandez continues her article, 'Midwifery in 
Australia'; Pinky McKay writes on 'Promoting breastfeeding, promoting 
guilt?', and we have two excellent first person accounts of birth, by 
Rebecca Lange and Leisa Smith.
The regular columns include updates on what's happening in the Branches, 
and MIPP, and information on the National Maternity Action Plan.  We have 
an author abstract from Helen Robinson of the Vic Perinatal Data Collection 
Unit ' Comparison of perineal trauma rates in women who gave birth inside 
hospital, or a birth centre, or unexpectedly outside hospital or had a 
planned home birth'.  Those who have signed the Australian Midwifery 
Campaign Petition, advertised through Birth Matters, will be pleased to 
know that the signature tally is over 7,000 (now closed).

Inserts with this issue of Birth Matters include a copy of the new 'Having 
a baby' pamphlet, which was published last year in SA, and has now been 
adapted (with permission) for use in Vic.  It's an excellent consumer 
information resource, and has been made available by ACMI Vic Branch and 
Maternity Coalition.

Now I expect that someone who reads this will want to subscribe.  If this 
is the case, please send a cheque for $30 (+ tax-exempt donation) to:
The Secretary
PO Box 1190
Blackburn North, 3130, Victoria

Membership Details


Address:        Postcode:



please let us know your areas of interest and skills for participation in 
the Maternity Coalition

Please make cheques payable to the Maternity Coalition Inc

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