Dear Friends,
I as you would be aware I normally don't circulate unsolicited emails, however this particular
incident has filled me with more than the usual quota of disgust in the depraved barbaric acts
that my fellow human being are capable of committing. To carry out the sentence below the
commonwealth government of Nigeria intends to bury this young woman up to her neck in soil and then allow depraved sorry excuses for human beings to throw rocks at her head until they have caused suffucient brain damage to kill her. I have signed this petition which appears to be on an official Amnesty website. Anyway nothing bad has happened to my PC. So I would ask
that if you are able to have a quick look & consider joining this protest and pass on to anyone you think may be interested in signing it.

Regards Aviva Sheb'a

----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 4:24 PM
Subject: Sign letter Re: Amina in Nigeria

> Dear All
>  A 30 year-old Nigerian woman Amina Lawal faces the death sentence.
>  She has been sentenced to death by stoning by a Regional Court in Katsina
> State, Nigeria for having a child outside of marriage.
>  Her death sentence was announced on 23 March 2002.
>  I am writing to ask you if you would please urgently go to
> and click on 'sign our letter' to
> support the outcry against this sentence
>  Please also show your support by forwarding this link
>  Yours
>  Adjoa Owusu

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