Hello Jo,  Supporting woman as a Doula whilst she is having a vaginal birth after a cs seems to have many challenges....many woman are looking to Doulas for this support.....not always for the ideal reason.......I think they  wonder if we have a magic tool......takes some sorting out up front....the only tool we have is in supporting her at home from early in the labour to help her stay in her power and commitment!!!!!.lots of time spent with the woman in advance facing her fears with her.........lots of visulaisation of the process...lots of dreaming about the way she wants it to be...and them tons of effort and time allowing herself to have that dream.....anecdotally...often a block around 6-8 cm...nearly there...and then the fear....atleast I tried...I had labour....already talking in the past tense......needs to find enormous determination to get through that block...and yes 2nd stage is relatively slow......the best situation seems to be  supporting her in staying at home just as long as possible....most woman I have supported, seem to surrender just a little too easily once they hit hospital....all their fears are so close to the surface...they feel strong at home........monitors going on when they get to hospital routinely, incase the scare ruptures!!!!!!!! in many places immediately challenge her to push through..........the fear, the fear...the fear, and the language.......let's address our own fears whilst working with these woman!!!!!!!!!!  Any body what to get together is Sydney to work with their fears as a midwife?????????
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 10:55 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] vbac and second stage

I would like to generate discussion on the list about typical vbac labours if I may?
As a great number of vbacs are women whom have had a 'drama' in a previous birth which resulted in a cs, there is a valid belief that the woman would probably bring a number of 'issues' into the vbac.  These issues are usually fear based "please don't let what happen last time happen again" and coupled with the fact that for most second stage is a mystery; I would like to propose that vbac labours should be given more support and less restrictions.  I understand that if a woman labours for a long time the obs and drs may begin to worry about the stress on the scar and possible rupture; but I strongly believe that a woman's body will go at the right pace for her.  Second stage is often  longer with vbacs.  Can anyone support this anecdotally?
I think we (they!) put too many pressures on vbacs and don't see them for what they are...not high risk, but require high support and understanding.
any thoughts?
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...

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