Hello listers,
Yesterday, I attended Vicki Chan & Nic Edmonstone's 'Intuitive Workshop'.    What a beautiful, emotive, empowering, enlightening and fun day.   
A day which -
reinforced my commitment to change childbirth practices
refueled my passion to stop the conditioning which the medical model propagates.
But yup, I have to stop being like a bull in a china shop and follow Vicki and Nic's example of a gentle opening of the mind towards deconditioning & understanding.
To end, with their words.
"A better world......
       Where birth is sacred......
                Life is treasured......
                    Death is honoured......
                        Peace at Birth......
                            Peace on Earth"
Thank you Vicki and Nic and all you beautiful women who shared the day with me.
Much, much love.  

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