Just 10 days ago Michelle birthed her third baby, a beautiful boy who weighed 5168 (11 lb 6oz) baby boy.
When Michelle reached 42 weeks we discussed expressing colostrom because her previous little girl was a 10lbs.  Between 42 and 43 weeks she expressed quite a lot of colostrom for two reasons. 1. to stimulate more effective, uterine contractions and  2. to have sufficient colostrom to make sure the baby's metabolic needs were met in the first 3 days until her transitional milk flowed.
It worked really well, she had enough colostrom to give her baby extra during each feed.  We used a fine gavage tube just inside his mouth while he sucked at the breast he received extra via the tube.  It all worked perfectly, he was a very settled little boy.
I believe it expressing colostrom can be very beneficial to a lot of women for various reasons, especially women who are having an elective LUSCS.  Extra early colostrom could reduce the risk of the baby being introduced to other liquids, provide good hydration, blood sugars and electrolyte balance in the first three days.  Good hydration and stable metabolic state will also reduce the risk of the baby being separated from the mother for transfer to the nursery.
Robyn Thompson
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alesa Koziol
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 2:57 PM
To: ozmidwifery
Subject: [ozmidwifery] ebm prior ro birth

Dear List
Soem time ago there was a small discussion on the list re the practice of espressing colostrum prior to birth and using this to prevent neonatal hypoglycaemia. This appeared to be helpful for gestaional, type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Can anyone steer me towards some detailed information on this topic???
Alesa Koziol
Midwifery Clinical Educator

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