Hi Lieve,
When I was pregnant with second baby (born 1976) - now a tall healthy man)
Dr told me he had stopped growing for a month during pregnancy -concerns
about placenta so I peed in a bottle and did weekly oestriol tests tests
were fine. Baby was born 2 weeks past "due dates' weighing more than 9 1/2

At teh time I followed diet advice of Adele Davis "Lets Have Healthy
Children" Although I didnt drink all the cow milk she advised, I ate whole
unrefined foods and believe the supplements - Zinc/ Vit C and pantothenic
acid / E / fish oils, calcium magnesium in a balanced dose plus the diet
additions like brewers yeast(yuk!!) and wheatgerm (for B6) also helped with
collagen / stretching - 1 1/2 hr easy labour.  I am not sure whether it
helped with placenta function, but I also took all the same supplements and
rested quite a bit early  as I was threatening to miscarry with larissa (3rd
baby) .I bled til 7 months this time. but after the bleeding stopped I did
lots of walking to "fitten up" and increase circulation. Another short easy
labour. When born, the cord actually broke from placenta which was very
scarred and at teh time the midwife was amazed that I had such a big healthy
baby (4kg again.)

Later I read the Bettter Babies series by Francesca Naish and Janette
Roberts which is much clearer and up to date for modern mums, the supplement
regime is similar but the food recommended is less likely to sensitise the
baby to allergies (ie lots of cow milk isnt a requisite). They also adivise
herbs and.naturopathic supplements and advocate keeping the kidneys healthy
for placenta function (sometimes affected by pre-eclampia/ elevated blood

Best wishes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lieve Huybrechts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 1:12 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] IUGR

> Dear list,
> I got a phone call from a mother. She is 27 weeks pregnant. Her gyn told
> the baby has a growth retardation of 1-2 weeks. He told her to lay down on
> her left side for an hour three times a day. He pretty scared her of by
> telling her when the baby didn't have a growthspurt in a fourthnight, he
> to get the baby because the placenta was not well enough.The baby is very
> active and the mother had a very good feeling of her pregnancy. She had a
> previous c-section 11 years ago for breech baby and she is 35 years old.
> Do you have any tips for her to improve the placenta function?
> Warm greetings
> Lieve
> --
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