Dear List,
I just had a wonderful follow through experiance - minus a birth!
i have been following this wonderful women thru since mid 2002,and she was due 7/1/03, however went 10days over with her now  21month yo.
her 1st labour was a swift 6 hrs, so i had a hunch this one maybe 
the same! she was booked into be induced at 8am fri 17/01, so of 
course it came as no suprise when she told me she got a show in 
the morn of the 16th!
anyway, got a call at 2.15am fri 17 [today!] that she was in the 
b/centre with 2-3min apart, so i broke a few land speed records 
and got in there at 2.45, the baby was born at 2.42!!
the amazing woman ruptured her membranes at 12.20 and within 3hrs 
had a beautiful 8pound baby boy!
the thing that amazed me was the look on the dad's face when i 
walked in, he could not stop apologising!! he was dissapointed i  didnt get there in time!! i reasuured him that this was about him his wife and baby not me and to relax! but it was so beautiful to 
see how they wanted me to be a part of this experiance with them 
'because i had made the time to come to all the app's" said dad!
we really are lucky that there are people out there so open and 
accepting to let students like us be a part of their birthing 
so i have now been to 3.5 births!!
take care,
 love jess.
ps - mum and baby [and dad!] doing fine!

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