Dear Joy and Maternity Coalition Editorial Committee

I have been reading the ozmidwifery dialogue about the MIPP page in Birth
Matters with interest. I believe having the title of " MIPP " seems to
narrow the scope of independent midwifery matters to the Victorian arena.
Perhaps the MIPPS page could become the ASIM page so that it disseminates
the views and concerns of independent midwives from around Australia.

As the national coordinator of ASIM I would be happy to provide updates
related to our members' efforts to provide  more community midwifery choices
for women in each state and territory.

Birth Matters is a great publication Joy, lets make it reflect the national
effort to advance continuous midwifery care for every woman.

Jan Robinson

 Jan Robinson                             Phone/fax: 011+ 61+ 2+ 9546 4350
 Independent Midwife Practitioner         e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 8 Robin Crescent                         www:
 South Hurstville  NSW  2221              National Coordinator, ASIM


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