Hi Alesia,
who makes the Steffi Love? I guess they havent got a PR machine like Mattel's causing a stir. Its such a game isnt it - I did a radio interview on 3ak last week it was a hoot and lots of fun -I took Hello Baby By Jenni Overend and In Union as "props" to show and tell and talked about my own ten year old being at my last birth - shes about to be a support person for her friend/ ex housemate (housemate told me that at the private hosp she is booked at   they like women to have epidurals -its easier for staff as the women arent in pain!! We had a wee chat about being able to move round in labour/ water etc making things happen more easily)
The radio host was Yvonne Adele - she is very pro natural birth and breastfeeding so we had a ball joking about Midge -and discussing children at birth and how people felt about that - she wasnt sure about that (isnt birth a bit "gory" for children?)  so  I was able to say it felt natural to me and I had explained to my girls that it was food blood not hurtig blood but I dont think  larissa even noticed the blood - at least not with any alarm, it wasnt a strong memory - I have a beautiful story she wrote later -  but each woman had to consider her own and her childs needs. It was quite a juicy discussion in spite of being light hearted. The phone-in was fun - one elderly lady upset that childrens innocence was being stolen / another stopped her car to phone that she had used a pregnant doll some years ago as a tool talking about families in a religious education class at a primary school !! thats pretty advanced stuff.
I did a couple of news grabs yesterday -I havent listened to them but they were prerecorded so could have been "altered" for context - a Brisbane reporter was very pushy about the "ideal" family - I tried to sidestep that one -who gives a toss?? Midge and bub are in one box and Alan and toddler in another- people can decide the relevance for themselves - but Midge even fits her wedding ring - no swollen fingers!! At least its nice to have an 'involved' Daddy -frankly I cant see why all the fuss -its just a doll.
I must have a look for the Steffi doll.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 9:19 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] RE pregnant barbie

Dear List
Son's girlfriend works in a toy store. When I asked her about this doll (thought it could be a useful prop for a sibling  antenatal education class) she informed me that Mattel  'Barbie'  competitor 'Steffi Love' has had a similar product on Australian toy shelves for some time. So I bought one! Retailed for $16.99, this toy has a pregnant tummy with a babe "in utero" which can be removed along with the pregnant abdo wall. From behind this doll does not have the classic hourglass shape of a "Barbie", and  this doll has fuller breasts than a "Barbie" - both suggestive of a womans pregnant shape, but I dont know if this is just this model or the basic
doll shape of this brand. I think it will be a wonderful aid when talking about pregnancy with children which is where I will be using it. Interesting that the Oz media hasnt picked up on this product yet is all a flutter over the Mattel one!!!!!
Alesa Koziol
Clinical Midwifery Educator

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